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Virtual Candle
:crystalc: :crystalc: :2c: :rsc:
Name: Sargiann
Date: 21 Sep 24 03:38pm
Virtual Candle
Please give DT the wisdom to stay on track.
Name: Cheryl
Date: 10 Sep 24 10:33pm
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed Spirit for securing my perfect home in every way now. I know all is well. I am grateful.
Name: David
Date: 07 Sep 24 12:34am
Virtual Candle
:longc: :crystalc: :2c: :candle:
Name: Millions Select
Date: 29 Aug 24 09:15am
Virtual Candle
In memoria di papà Antonio, mamma Angela nonno Francesco e zio Michele 🙏 :candle: :redc: :longc::smal lc: :crystalc: :2c: :rsc:
Name: Michele
Date: 21 Aug 24 09:45am
Virtual Candle
Pour la santé de mon très cher père.
Name: Pierre-paul
Date: 03 Aug 24 05:02am
Virtual Candle
Beloved God, today we cry out for justice in **Venezuela**. May your true love be poured out upon every Venezuelan, igniting hope in our hearts. We entrust our beloved nation to you, asking that every chain of oppression and evil may fall. You make us free, guide our steps, and lead us toward a prosperous future. Bring restoration and fill Venezuela with your power. Amen. 🙏
Name: Babbu Aisha
Date: 02 Aug 24 12:12am
Virtual Candle
Amado Dios, hoy clamamos por justicia en **Venezuela**. Que tu verdadero amor se derrame sobre cada venezolano, encendiendo la esperanza en nuestros corazones. Te entregamos nuestra amada nación para que caigan las cadenas de opresión y maldad. Tú nos haces libres y guías nuestros pasos hacia un futuro próspero. Traerás restitución y llenarás Venezuela con tu poder. Amén. 🙏
Name: Babbu Aisha
Date: 02 Aug 24 12:11am
Virtual Candle
Dear Electronic and PCB Lord,
We ask for Your blessing on our EPECS CLB. Please keep it running smoothly and ensure its electronic health. Grant us the wisdom and strength to face challenges and continue serving the verification and debugging efforts.
Name: Clb Epecs
Date: 22 Jul 24 10:22pm
Virtual Candle
A candle for Catherine and her baby for a safe delivery .
Name: Catherine
Date: 05 Jul 24 10:05pm
Virtual Candle
Granddaughter applied for a fellowship and made first cut. at Acute Care - Praying she be interviewed and gets in.
Healing of my constant dizziness / skull / brain / improves memory /vision - caused by assault 2 yrs. ago.
Name: Lydia
Date: 04 Jul 24 05:44pm
Virtual Candle
Name: V
Date: 03 Jul 24 07:13pm
Virtual Candle
Name: V
Date: 03 Jul 24 07:12pm
Virtual Candle
Please remove the spiritual parasite from my life, surroundings and conscious thoughts. I must have the missing soul piece restored.
Name: Deana
Date: 03 Jul 24 01:01am
Virtual Candle
Happy birthday!
Name: Elsa
Date: 21 Jun 24 12:50am
Virtual Candle
For our Friendship, peace, harmony and Love-Luisa
Name: Verna
Date: 17 Jun 24 09:56pm
Virtual Candle
:crystalc: :crystalc:
Name: Anônimo
Date: 15 Jun 24 03:54am
Virtual Candle
:rsc: My beloved boyfriend Bucky, who served in the military and lost his life in Iraq.
Name: Lillian
Date: 31 May 24 01:12am
Virtual Candle
Welcome home!
Name: Baby Quine
Date: 28 May 24 09:58am
Virtual Candle
:( :( :( :(
Name: Alexi Navalny
Date: 01 Mar 24 03:15pm

218 candles