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Virtual Candle
I wish i Paul M Deniro Jackson get hit by a lighting freak accident explosion that i will be split into two whole people and the other me will be perfect and he will be a martial artist fighter that has the super powers of the flash and the super powers of max steel and he will fight anime characters and manga characters and video game characters his age and they was born the 12th of the nine month January to October 1991 and he was born October 12 1991 and their earths merge with out earth too
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 22 Dec 23 06:34pm
Virtual Candle
I wish I Paul M Deniro Jackson will have unlimited pictures on my cell phone of Ai females i think are appealing and i wish i will have unlimited pictures of females that are appealing and i wish i have thousands of school classrooms group pictures of my school mates and group pictures of teachers that went to my schools from preschool to kindergarten to elementary school to middle school and to my high schools to college and pictures of people who seen my penis and i want to have them all soon
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 22 Dec 23 06:26pm
Virtual Candle
I wish on christmas day December 25 2023 I Paul M Deniro Jackson is blessed with two 6ft4 female real life spirit guides invisible that can see me and i can see them and one will look identical to Alma Resendez my high school assistant teacher and her name will be Andrea Gomez and one will look identical to Cleopatra the queen of Egypt and her name will be Claire Isis and they will both have white American accents with Mature womanly voices and people will see them and they will see the people
Name: Paul
Date: 21 Dec 23 05:50am
Virtual Candle
I wish on this Christmas December 25 2023 I Paul M Deniro Jackson is blessed with a unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar Machine that can only grants me unlimited wishes and I get hit by a lightning freak accident explosion that I gain the super powers to have unlimited opposite gender shapeshifting and the ability to make unlimited females I think are appealing copy me what I do and copy me what i say and another me will have the super powers of Max steel and the flash who will be a pro martial artis
Name: Paul
Date: 20 Dec 23 04:53am
Virtual Candle
in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe/Mary
Name: Danielle
Date: 19 Nov 23 04:57pm
Virtual Candle
Help me
Name: C Mario
Date: 10 Nov 23 11:46pm
Virtual Candle
Forgive me
Name: Carlo
Date: 10 Nov 23 11:38pm
Virtual Candle
Help the planet
Name: C Mario
Date: 10 Nov 23 11:27pm
Virtual Candle
Please forgive me on my sins
Name: Mario Fragapane
Date: 07 Nov 23 05:58am
Virtual Candle
Please bless my husband with patience, forberance,
bless him with wisdom and good health.
bless our union and our life together. Bless or children with good health and wisdom and their life with their partners. Amen
Name: Tlc
Date: 04 Nov 23 11:36am
Virtual Candle
Please bless my son with peace and tranquility. Good health and balanced in all his thinking and manifesting love joy and peace.
Bless all around him.Amen.
Name: Tlc
Date: 21 Oct 23 04:12pm
Virtual Candle
I pray that God may show me the way to receive greater blessing or ultimate blessings. God, you are amazing. You know all my ways. You control the universe.
Name: Vitaliy Demkiv
Date: 02 Oct 23 05:15am
Virtual Candle
Giving thanks for Your love, which is beyond our understanding, which is immediately available through our Lord Christ and in the unity of the Holy Spirit. I pray for conversion of hearts and minds to the center of your love in and through Jesus. Giving thanks for your guidance and strength and for the love of your flock serving you here on earth. Please help us to tend our own gardens well, before we try to til the ground of other people. Help us to love more and fear less. In His name, AMEN
Name: Abbey
Date: 03 Sep 23 07:21pm
Virtual Candle
To my God the Lord God Almighty destroy all forms of ways the dishonest leaders of the country where I am from and all religious eagers joining to it in support of falseness to be against you and devour, mislead, corrupt and contaminate people all over with no Mercy of Yours Lord amen amen amen !!!
Name: Monika
Date: 22 Aug 23 01:43pm
Virtual Candle
for God's forgiveness, redemption, goodness, deliverance and blessing on P. Fr, Italy for the greater good for God's Glory amen amen amen !
Name: Monika
Date: 08 Aug 23 12:27pm
Virtual Candle
Lord God Almighty, may You be blessed above all blessings with all my love sanctify my passed away father's memory grant forgiveness on everything and purified relations to all of us for Your Glory alone amen amen amen !!!!
Name: Monika Dalma M.
Date: 07 Aug 23 07:40am
Virtual Candle
I pray for my daughter to heal completely, may doctors help her. I pray for blessings in her business. Thank you for your grace. Amen.
Name: Tlc
Date: 02 Aug 23 09:10am
Virtual Candle
I pray for world peace and dieting
Name: Vitaliy
Date: 19 Jul 23 12:22am
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed Spirit for your help in obtaining and securing my perfect aparment now. I am so grateful.
Name: David
Date: 28 Jun 23 09:53pm
Virtual Candle
For strength and healing
Name: Marita
Date: 23 Jun 23 12:52am

218 candles